Apr 2021
The Slave of Chaos
The slave of night and chaos
A spoke in the wheel of time
Scourge of Heaven, a prince exiled
Cursed Sempiternal, his home defiled
Brother of his father, an evil herder
Guilty as sin, of sibling’s murder
Sister of his father, an ancient disavower
Frailty her sin, Calamity her power
His brethren, lost and aggrey
Puppets of destiny, led astray
A slave of night and chaos, failure his gross
Burns with vengeance, nailed to a cross
Salvation to his tale tragic
The last firstborn of magic
A power, unchecked, unleashed
A whore astride a ravening beast
Frailty against frailty, the gamble of God’s last son
So dark, oh so dark, the con of woman